Noticias Atlántica

  • Atlantic Success Story: Living Ports Project

  • Atlantic Success Story: MarENet

  • Maritime Blue Economy strategies : a booster for stakeholders engagement - Pitch session EMD

    The "Maritime Blue Economy strategies: a booster for stakeholders engagement" Pitch session occurred in the 25 May during the European Maritime Day, and pointed out the importance of national and regional stakeholder’s engagement to be supported at all levels and in a consistent approach for the development of a sustainable blue economy.

  • Atlantic Success Story: Seawing4blue

    Photo credit: polaRYSE

  • Update on Ireland´s Offshore Renewable Energy Sector

    Dear Atlantic Strategy colleagues,

    Last week, Ireland took another important step on its journey to creating the conditions for a thriving Offshore Renewable Energy sector.

  • Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference 2023 - Save the Date

    SAVE THE DATE: 18-19 October ASPC 2023!

    More info will be shared soon...

  • New European Blue Forum website

    We are excited to share with you the new European Blue Forum website.

  • 1st meeting of the Atlantic Strategy Committee

    The 1st meeting of the Atlantic Strategy Committee under the Portuguese Presidency was held in Porto de Lisboa on March 30th 2023

  • The Atlantic Initiative welcomes the Portuguese Presidency – An exclusive interview!

    In 2023, Portugal will chair the Atlantic Strategy Committee in accordance with the principle of rotation among the participating countries (IE, FR, PT and ES) of the Atlantic Strategy. As referred to in the 2022 EU Blue Economy Report “It is also important to know the extent of Blue Economy activities by sea basin to be able to determine the effects of the Blue Economy at a regional level.” The Atlantic Sea Basin has unique features due to its geography, the model of governance and the potential and opportunities.

  • Apply for your own "In My Country" event

    In 2022, EMD In My Country was a great success, with 630 virtual, physical and hybrid events, covering all the sea basins of the EU.

    EMD In My Country 2023 will include physical, virtual and hybrid events that will take place from 1 April to 31 October 2023.

    Organisers will receive a communication pack and their events will be promoted via the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries' information channels. 
