Atlantic News

  • Kick off meeting of the AsPBAN project

    Kick off meeting of the Atlantic Smart Ports Blue Acceleration Network (AspBAN) project

  • Convocatoria BlueCrowdMED

    En el marco del proyecto Blue Crowdfunding – “Capacity Building of BLUE Economy Stakeholders to Effectively use CROWDFUNDING”...

  • #AtlanticArea Programme is now launching a PUBLIC CONSULTATION

    The Managing Authority of the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme together with the members of the Task Force are preparing the new programme for the 2021-2027 period. After several meetings and the benefit of advice from a team of experts, they are now presenting a summary of the strategy for the next Atlantic Area Programme and launching a public consultation, open to all Atlantic stakeholders and interested parties.

  • Call for Tender on Algae & Climate

    EASME wishes to enter into a service contract to assess the potential of algae to contribute to the EU’s climate, food and biodiversity strategies under the 2019 EU Green Deal proposal resetting the Commission's commitment to achieving zero emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 with economic growth decoupled from resource use. Learn more here:
  • BlueInvest Day 2021 announces new funds for the ocean economy

    Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius, is participating today at the BlueInvest Day 2021 conference co-organised jointly by the European Commission and the European Investment Fund where participants from 67 countries, including all EU Member States, are registered to attend.

  • BlueInvest Awards 2021 - Call for Pitch Candidates

    The call for Pitch candidates at the BlueInvest Awards 2021 is open.

  • European Maritime Day in My Country 2021

    In parallel with EMD Conference in Den Helder (20-21 May 2021) EMD In My Country 2021 events will take place all over Europe from April to October 2021.

  • Provisional political agreement on the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) for the period of 2021-2027.

    On 4 December 2020, the Commission, the Council and the Parliament reached a provisional political agreement on the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) for the period of 2021-2027.


    A consulta pública sobre a Estratégia Nacional para o Mar 2021-2030 já terminou. Registámos 242 contributos e deixamos o nosso agradecimento a todos os que contribuíram para construirmos um futuro mais azul.  Só assim conseguimos, de facto, produzir políticas inclusivas.​

  • Blue Economy Window call launched today!

    The 2020 Blue Economy Window – BlueInvest Grants call is open.  Interested stakeholders can submit their applications from 12 November 2020 until 16 February 2021.
