Noticias Atlántica

  • Ulves Valorisation Nutrition Santé (ULVANS)

    Olmix and four SMEs in Bretagne have joined to develop full recovery of algae, new materials and open new markets for export. The group, called ULVANS (ULves VAlorisation Nutrition Santé), aims to create a new sector of revaluation of algae in Bretagne, from harvesting to processing into innovative products in the areas of nutrition and health, animal and plant, and its marketing around the world. ULVANS brings together 5 industrial Breton partners and two research centres: University of South Brittany CNRS of Mulhouse.
  • Technocampus Océan platform

    This innovation Platform – to be open this year in Bouguenais – will focus on shipbuilding and marine renewable energy. The platform represents an investment of nearly 40 million euros from the government and the European Union and could accommodate 320-340 jobs. It will bring together researchers and technicians from the IRT Jules Verne and industrial partners such as DCNS, ACB, ALSTOM, HydrOcean, STX, DASSAULT SYSTEMES. Engineering schools, universities and laboratories will also be involved.

  • Technocampus Océan platform

    This innovation Platform – to be open this year in Bouguenais – will focus on shipbuilding and marine renewable energy. The platform represents an investment of nearly 40 million euros from the government and the European Union and could accommodate 320-340 jobs. It will bring together researchers and technicians from the IRT Jules Verne and industrial partners such as DCNS, ACB, ALSTOM, HydrOcean, STX, DASSAULT SYSTEMES. Engineering schools, universities and laboratories will also be involved.

  • Technocampus Océan platform

    This innovation Platform – to be open this year in Bouguenais – will focus on shipbuilding and marine renewable energy. The platform represents an investment of nearly 40 million euros from the government and the European Union and could accommodate 320-340 jobs. It will bring together researchers and technicians from the IRT Jules Verne and industrial partners such as DCNS, ACB, ALSTOM, HydrOcean, STX, DASSAULT SYSTEMES. Engineering schools, universities and laboratories will also be involved.

  • More transparency for consumers on seafood labelling

    Everything a consumer would like to know about the seefood labelling can be found on the pocket guide to the EU’s new fish and aquaculture consumer labels. You can find more information at this link.

  • Ocean Research in Horizon 2020: The Blue Growth Potential

    Extensive study on blue economy and blue growth. To download it please visit this page.

  • Ocean Research in Horizon 2020: The Blue Growth Potential

    Extensive study on blue economy and blue growth. To download it please visit this page.

  • Ocean Research in Horizon 2020: The Blue Growth Potential

    Extensive study on blue economy and blue growth. To download it please visit this page.

  • Ocean Research in Horizon 2020: The Blue Growth Potential

    Extensive study on blue economy and blue growth. To download it please visit this page.

  • More transparency for consumers on seafood labelling

    Everything a consumer would like to know about the seefood labelling can be found on the pocket guide to the EU’s new fish and aquaculture consumer labels. You can find more information at this link.
