Noticias Atlántica

  • Guidance for Beneficiaries of European Structural and Investment Funds and related EU instruments

    DG Regio’s useful guidance on how to effectively access and use the European Structural and Investment Funds and how to exploit complementarities with other instruments of relevant Union policies can be found at this link.

  • Guidance for Beneficiaries of European Structural and Investment Funds and related EU instruments

    DG Regio’s useful guidance on how to effectively access and use the European Structural and Investment Funds and how to exploit complementarities with other instruments of relevant Union policies can be found at this link.

  • Guidance for Beneficiaries of European Structural and Investment Funds and related EU instruments

    DG Regio’s useful guidance on how to effectively access and use the European Structural and Investment Funds and how to exploit complementarities with other instruments of relevant Union policies can be found at this link.

  • Two aquaculture related projects of a total over £3.400.000 will be announced in 2015

    The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre has announced grants worth almost £950,000 to fund industry-changing research on sea lice control. More information about these projects is available here.

  • Two aquaculture related projects of a total over £3.400.000 will be announced in 2015

    The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre has announced grants worth almost £950,000 to fund industry-changing research on sea lice control. More information about these projects is available here.

  • Two aquaculture related projects of a total over £3.400.000 will be announced in 2015

    The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre has announced grants worth almost £950,000 to fund industry-changing research on sea lice control. More information about these projects is available here.

  • Two aquaculture related projects of a total over £3.400.000 will be announced in 2015

    The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre has announced grants worth almost £950,000 to fund industry-changing research on sea lice control. More information about these projects is available here.

  • El Equipo de Apoyo del Plan de Acción del Atlántico celebró su primer evento nacional en Santander el 25 de Marzo de 2015

  • The Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan held its first national meeting in Santander (Spain) the 25 of March 2015

    A informação que procura está disponível na(s) seguinte(s) língua(s):

  • The Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan held its first national meeting in Santander (Spain) the 25 of March 2015

    L'information que vous recherchez est disponible dans la (les) langue(s) suivante(s):
