During the morning session, the Atlantic Action Plan was explained by DG MARE and the French governemental “Secrétariat General de la Mer”.
Then three representatives from different bodies presented different EU funding sources.
- Structural and Investment Funds (ERDF, ESF, EMFF)
- Instruments such as H2020, LIFE, COSME
- different EU transnational and transregional cooperation programmes (Interreg Atlantic, SUDOE, Interreg Europe)
In the afternoon some projects of La Rochelle area were presented and this was followed by four parallel workshops covering various issues: Marine and Coastal Environment; Marine research and innovation; ports and shipping lines; leisure fisheries, leisure boats activity.
These workshops made possible fruitful brainstorm about possible projects ideas to implement the Atlantic Action Plan.
The pages accessible through links View the event and Presentations are only available in French.