Call for evidence on the future EU Startup and Scaleup Strategy
Guide on EU funding for tourism
This online guide highlights the wide range of funding programmes financed by the new budget, multiannual financial framework 2021-2027, and Next Generation EU. With these resources and this guide, we're supporting the move towards a more digital, sustainable and inclusive EU.
European Green Deal call
BlueInvest Fund
The European Investment Fund, backed by the European Strategic Investment Fund, has earmarked finance for enterprises with innovative products and services that can help the blue economy deliver the EU's Green Deal priorities. The new fund will be able to provide finance to funds that are wholly or partly targeting the blue economy or to individual enterprises backed by more general funds.
H2020-EIC Accelerator pilot –SME Instrument - Green Deal
Aide à l'installation des saliculteurs
Objectifs: L'aide régionale à l'installation en saliculture a pour objectifs prioritaires :
Aménagement et gestion durables des plages
Objectifs: Aménager et gérer durablement les plages en améliorant la sécurité et les conditions d’accueil du public, en canalisant et gérant les flux, en renforçant la préservation du site.
Modalités: Les investissements éligibles s’identifient au regard des quatre enjeux suivants :
Proyectos de innovación FEMP
This call is open all year till exhaustion of the budget.
Seafood R&D Programme
This programme supports research and development projects aimed at developing new or improved products and processes for the sector which are market led and in collaboration with industry, agencies and recognised Research Performing Organisations (RPO’s). The Seafood R&D Programme provides a means for industry to submit relevant R&D project proposals to be undertaken by BIM for the benefit of the sector as a whole. Approved projects will be administered by BIM on behalf of industry and carried out by Resea
2019 LIFE Call: Environment sub-programme
The environment sub-programme funds nature conservation projects in particular in the areas of biodiversity, habitats and species. It provides action grants for best practice, pilot and demonstration projects that contribute to the implementation of the EU’s directives on birds and habitats, the EU’s biodiversity strategy to 2020, and the development, implementation and management of the Natura 2000 network.
They primarily concern areas of nature (including Natura 2000 network management), water, waste, and air.