Improving international ocean governance |
2018 Annual Economic Report on EU Blue Economy |
FARNET: FLAG Support to Women in Fisheries and Aquaculture |
Study on the economic benefits of MPAs |
Commission Staff Working Document on the mid-term review of the Atlantic Action Plan |
Study feeding into the mid-term review of the implementation of the Atlantic Action Plan |
Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation |
Sustainable Blue Economy: productive seas and oceans |
Belem Statement on Atlantic Research and Innovation Cooperation |
What is the blue economy? |
Relatório da 3ª Conferência Anual das Partes Interessadas do Atlântico, Dublin 2016 |
Desenvolver uma estratégia marítima para a Região Atlântica |
Scoping study for the use of financial instruments under the EMFF and related advisory support activities - Final Report, June 2015 |
Salvaguardar o futuro dos nossos mares, gerando mais prosperidade |
Plano de Ação para uma Estratégia Marítima na Região Atlântica |
Conhecimento do Meio Marinho 2020 - Da cartografia dos fundos marinhos à previsão oceanográfica |
Blue Growth, Opportunities for marine and maritime sustainable growth |
Study in support of policy measures for maritime and coastal tourism at EU level |
A European Strategy for more Growth and Jobs in Coastal and Maritime Tourism |
The Future of Ocean Energy |
Study in support of Impact Assessment work on Blue Biotechnology |
A pesca e a aquicultura na Europa |