6th International Symposium on Genomics in Aquaculture |
International Conference for Young Marine Researchers |
14th International Conference on Aquaculture & Marine Biology |
Economic Impacts of Maritime Spatial Planning |
Les Assises Economique des Outre-mer |
Les Assises Economique des Outre-mer |
Madrid LNG & Shipping Forum 2020 |
Madrid LNG & Shipping Forum 2020 |
2nd National Spanish Seminar, May 22, 2020 |
2nd National Spanish Seminar, May 22, 2020 |
Feria Internacional del Mar |
Feria Internacional del Mar |
Investors’ webinar on the newly launched BlueInvest Fund |
LIFE information and Networking Day |
Practical applications of EUMOFA’s international trade database on fisheries and aquaculture products |
International Ocean Governance Forum- Thematic Working Group webinars |
NAVEXPO International Maritime Business Meeting |
NAVEXPO International Maritime Business Meeting |
Seas, Oceans and Public Health in Europe Conference |
Happy Blue, 24 March, Brest |
Happy Blue, le 24 mars à Brest |
S&T Tribune 2020 |
Ireland's Waters: Re-imagining the Future |
S&T Tribune 2020 |
Joint National Event Atlantic - WestMed, Portugal |
Joint National Event Atlantic - WestMed, Portugal |
Basque Ecodesign Meeting 2020 |
Basque Ecodesign Meeting 2020 |
Curso Avanzado sobre sostenibilidad y aceptación social de la producción en acuicultura |
Curso Avanzado sobre sostenibilidad y aceptación social de la producción en acuicultura |
7th Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference, France |
7th Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference, France |
7th Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference, France |
VI Congreso Internacional de Educación Ambiental |
VI Congreso Internacional de Educación Ambiental |
Public Consultation on the Draft National Marine Planning Framework |
International Conference on Biological Oceanography and Marine Microbial Ecology |
International Conference on Biological Oceanography and Marine Microbial Ecology |
All-Atlantic Ocean Research Forum |
Genera 2020 |
Genera 2020 |
BlueInvest Day 2020 |
BlueInvest Day 2020 |
BlueInvest Day 2020 |
BlueInvest Day 2020 |
20ème édition du carrefour des gestions locales de l'eau |
LNG/LPG and Alternative Fuel Ships |
Rencontres IMMERSION n°1 |
Rencontres IMMERSION n°1 |
Marine Design 2020 |