Curso Avanzado sobre sostenibilidad y aceptación social de la producción en acuicultura


The Agronomic Institute of the Mediterranean of Zaragoza (IAMZ-CIHEAM) will host from February 24 to 28 an advanced course on “Evaluation of sustainability and social acceptance of aquaculture production” aimed at professionals from public institutions and the aquaculture industry, as well as any other interested in the development of the activity.

The course is co-organized by the H2020 MedAID and Tapas projects. During the course, students will have the opportunity to identify the main trends and obstacles to the development of aquaculture, the importance of social acceptability and regulation. Production tools and methods will also be proposed to improve the environmental sustainability of the activity and its products, as well as being introduced into the economic and market analysis to improve business skills.

Zaragoza, Espana