Ireland's Waters: Re-imagining the Future


The role of the National Water Forum (NWF), is referred to in the draft River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018 to 2021.  The NWF is committed to facilitating stakeholder engagement on all water issues at a national, strategic policy level with the common goal of improving water quality.  

The NWF will seek to debate and analyse issues related to integrated catchment management and the implementation of the Water Framework Directive, including, but not limited to:

  • Water as a resource 
  • Issues of water quality 
  • Rural water issues including oversight of the Rural Water Capital Investment Programme
  • Water issues relating to climate change
  • Issues affecting customers of Irish Water. 

The NWF will submit reports and recommendations to the Water Policy Advisory Group (WPAC) and the National Co-ordination and Management Committee (NCMC) in relation to national policy in order that these be considered by the relevant Department(s) with responses conveyed back to the Forum including, if possible, attendances at a meeting of the Forum. The NWF will endeavour to enhance public understanding of the value of water and the water environment. The NWF will promote effective public participation, including the raising of public awareness on issues affecting water quality and to monitor progress.   The NWF will prepare an Annual Report on its work.

Tullamore, Ireland