Noticias Atlántica

  • Smart Port Challenge #2

    Si vous avez de nouvelles solutions innovantes pour construire le port de demain, venez les tester et les développer à Marseille !

  • SEALOGY® postponed to November 2020

    SEALOGY®, the first European fair on Blue Economy scheduled to be held on 6 - 8 March is postponed in compliance with the measures adopted against Coronavirus.  The event has been rescheduled for 20-22 November 2020.

  • Atlantic Project Awards 2020

    Are you ready to be one of the Atlantic winners and be part of the 7th Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference? Stay tuned to learn how and get ready to take part in the annual Atlantic project competition to be launched very soon right here!!

  • AQUATICPOLLUTANTS joint call pre-announcement

    A joint transnational call for research and innovation projects on risks posed to human health and environment by pollutants and pathogents present in the water has been pre-announced by the three JPIs.

  • European Commission and European Investment Fund launch €75 million BlueInvest Fund

    The European Commission is partnering with the European Investment Fund, part of the European Investment Bank Group (EIB), to launch the BlueInvest Fund today.

  • Public Consultation on Ireland's National Marine Planning Framework

    Ireland's first Draft National Marine Planning Framework (NMPF) has been published and it is open for public consultation till April 9, 2020.  For information on to how to participate in the consultation period please visit the dedicated website.  

  • European Maritime Day In My Country 2020 event

    Deadline: 31 January 2020 - Apply for your European Maritime Day In My Country 2020 event!

    ‘EMD in my Country’ 2020 will take place from April to June 2020. Read the call, submit your event to be part of European Maritime Day (EMD) in My Country 2020 and receive nice promotional material for your participants (organic cotton bags, notepads, posters)! 

  • BlueInvest Awards 2020 - the Pitch Battle

    Are you ready for the BlueInvest Awards 2020 happening on 4 February 2019? Are you ready to be one of Europe's top 20 start-ups and SMEs in the Blue Economy that will be selected to pitch on the main stage to a panel of investors? 

  • Projets de recherche et développement structurants pour la compétitivité (PSPC)

    L’appel à projets « PSPC » est un dispositif de soutien financé par le Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir (PIA) qui a pour vocation de sélectionner des projets de recherche et développement structurants pour la compétitivité.  Le 8e appel à projets est ouvert au 14 janvier 2020 à 12h.

  • Blue-GIFT supports nine ocean energy companies to trial and validate their technologies

    The first call for applications of the €2.5 million Blue-GIFT (Blue Growth and Innovation Fast Tracked) project ended in September with a successful outcome for nine companies.
