Kick off meeting of the AsPBAN project

Today we join DG Maritime and Fisheries and the thirteen (13) project partners for the kick-off meeting of the Atlantic Smart Ports Blue Acceleration Network (AspBAN) project, which as part of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) call on “Cross-sectoral development of innovative port clusters in the Atlantic: Developing a blue accelerator scheme for Atlantic ports” (EMFF-APC-2020 call), has been selected by the European Commission to put in place an acceleration services platform for EU Atlantic Ports.

AspBAN will support Atlantic Ports to act as ecosystems to foster innovation in the blue economy, thus diversifying their business models and revenue sources. The project is a 2-year project and will support implementation of Pillar I of the revised Atlantic Action Plan and will also connect partners in the European Economic Area, transatlantic and other relevant EU and non-EU maritime basins, notably through its network of 123 strategic partners.

