
Maritime Regions, Blue Growth and Smart Specialisation
European Maritime Day 2016
CECOMA 2016 Challenges in the Environmental Management of Coastal and Marine Areas
Atlantic Ties – Culture & Economic Development
World Conference on Climate Change
6th Annual Ocean Energy Industry Forum
Next Generation Marine Power & Propulsion conference
Workshop on wave energy converter technology requirement specification and performance metrics
Sailing Towards 2020
CAAC General Assembly: La Rochelle, March 2nd 2016
1st annual Atlantic Stakeholder Platform conference
Implementing the Atlantic Strategy – the role of the Atlantic Action Plan and the Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan
Strategic Research Impact Scheme launch
Marine Institute Sea Change Researchers Workshop 2016
Annual Offshore Production Technology Summit
Wind Turbine Noise 2015
MAREN 2 Final Conference
6th FPSO Vessel Conference
6th Maritime Salvage & Casualty Response
Implementing the Atlantic Action Plan: Workshop on Funding and Project Development - London
Focal Point Ireland 1st National Event as part of the Our Ocean Wealth Conference
MONALISA 2.0 Final Conference
International Conference Wind Energy SCADA Systems
EU-UNESCO information meeting on underwater cultural heritage - protection and opportunities
A transformed Atlantic Space: Emerging trends and future scenarios for Europe
SeaWeb Seafood Summit
Offshore Energy and Storage conference - OSES 2016
Participatory Research and Co-management in Fisheries Symposium
Flood & Coast 2016
European Shipping Week 2015
7th BioMarine International Business Convention
Pan-European Dialogue between cruise operators, ports and coastal tourism stakeholders
9èmes Rencontres : la mer au coeur des débats
Financial Instruments 2014-2020 under European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)
Marimatch - Posidonia 2016
Celebrating 20 years of Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) research
SPE London Annual Conference - Maximising Value in Upstream Oil and Gas
WindConnect O&M Forum
NutraMara Conference 2015 - Harnessing Marine Bioresources for Innovations in the Food Industry
World Seafood Congress
3rd Port Security Summit
Best Practice Tendering for Offshore Wind Event
Lunchtime briefing: The European Fund for Strategic Investment: what's in it for regions and cities?
Wind Energy Denmark
Sea basin checkpoints - stress tests on marine data. Review of progress and inauguration of new projects
Parlons Innovations ! dans la pêche et les cultures marines