Maritime Regions, Blue Growth and Smart Specialisation |
European Maritime Day 2016 |
CECOMA 2016 Challenges in the Environmental Management of Coastal and Marine Areas |
Atlantic Ties – Culture & Economic Development |
World Conference on Climate Change |
6th Annual Ocean Energy Industry Forum |
Next Generation Marine Power & Propulsion conference |
Workshop on wave energy converter technology requirement specification and performance metrics |
Sailing Towards 2020 |
CAAC General Assembly: La Rochelle, March 2nd 2016 |
1st annual Atlantic Stakeholder Platform conference |
Implementing the Atlantic Strategy – the role of the Atlantic Action Plan and the Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan |
Strategic Research Impact Scheme launch |
Marine Institute Sea Change Researchers Workshop 2016 |
Annual Offshore Production Technology Summit |
Wind Turbine Noise 2015 |
MAREN 2 Final Conference |
6th FPSO Vessel Conference |
6th Maritime Salvage & Casualty Response |
Implementing the Atlantic Action Plan: Workshop on Funding and Project Development - London |
Focal Point Ireland 1st National Event as part of the Our Ocean Wealth Conference |
MONALISA 2.0 Final Conference |
International Conference Wind Energy SCADA Systems |
EU-UNESCO information meeting on underwater cultural heritage - protection and opportunities |
OPEN DAYS 2015 |
A transformed Atlantic Space: Emerging trends and future scenarios for Europe |
SeaWeb Seafood Summit |
Offshore Energy and Storage conference - OSES 2016 |
Participatory Research and Co-management in Fisheries Symposium |
Flood & Coast 2016 |
European Shipping Week 2015 |
7th BioMarine International Business Convention |
Pan-European Dialogue between cruise operators, ports and coastal tourism stakeholders |
9èmes Rencontres : la mer au coeur des débats |
Financial Instruments 2014-2020 under European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) |
Marimatch - Posidonia 2016 |
Celebrating 20 years of Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) research |
Blueweekend |
SPE London Annual Conference - Maximising Value in Upstream Oil and Gas |
WindConnect O&M Forum |
NutraMara Conference 2015 - Harnessing Marine Bioresources for Innovations in the Food Industry |
World Seafood Congress |
3rd Port Security Summit |
Best Practice Tendering for Offshore Wind Event |
Lunchtime briefing: The European Fund for Strategic Investment: what's in it for regions and cities? |
Wind Energy Denmark |
Sea basin checkpoints - stress tests on marine data. Review of progress and inauguration of new projects |
Parlons Innovations ! dans la pêche et les cultures marines |