
Sea basin checkpoints - stress tests on marine data. Review of progress and inauguration of new projects
Parlons Innovations ! dans la pêche et les cultures marines
SR Offshore Wind Conference, Exhibition & Dinner 2016
AORAC workshop: Making the ecosystem approach operational
MSEAS 2016 Understanding marine socio-ecological systems: including the human dimension in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments
Offshore Energy and Storage conference - OSES 2016
Participatory Research and Co-management in Fisheries Symposium
Flood & Coast 2016
Seafood Expo Global
O Mar Português na perspetiva da Ciência e da Estratégia
RenewbleUK 2014: Annual Conference and Exhibition
Information Day - Blue Growth calls under the EMFF
European funding sources and port development
Posidonia 2016
49th Annual General Meeting of EMPA (European Maritime Pilots’ Association)
EcoNav 2016 La semaine de l'éconavigation
SPE Offshore Europe 2015
4th Annual Wind Resource Assessment Forum
Seagriculture - 4th International Seaweed Conference
The 10th Annual Conference - FLNG 2015
Ocean Energy Europe 2015
Offshore Decommissioning Conference
VII World Tuna Conference 2015
Offshore Wind R&D Conference 2015
Second Mares Conference on Marine Ecosytems Health and Conservation
II Workshop Somos Atlánticos: Evento Nacional del Equipo de Apoyo al Plan de Acción del Atlántico"
2nd Annual Offshore Power Cable Engineering and Reliability Forum
Oceanology International 2016
5th International Jellyfish Bloom Symposium
Littoral 2016
Somos Atlánticos – I Workshop Nacional del Equipo de Apoyo al Plan de Acción del Atlántico
6th Offshore Mariculture Conference
London International Shipping Week
Roadshow Portugal Global 2016
First MARES Conference - Marine Ecosystems health and Conservation
UHINAK II Cross border conference on climate and coastal change
General assembly RTA-ATN
III Workshop Somos Atlánticos: Los Retos Emergentes de la Economía del Mar
XV Congresso Nacional de Aquacultura (CNA) / I Congresso Ibérico de Aquacultura (CIA)
Por Novos Mares – Jornadas da Economia do Mar
Global Offshore Wind 2015
5th Annual Vessels & Access Forum
8th Annual EFIB 2015 – The European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Biobased Economy
The 5th Annual LNG Global Congress
International Conference on Decommissioning of Offshore & Subsea Structures
Oil & Money 2015
Aquaculture 2015 Cutting Edge Science in Aquaculture
5th Annual Future Offshore Foundations Forum