Sea basin checkpoints - stress tests on marine data. Review of progress and inauguration of new projects |
Parlons Innovations ! dans la pêche et les cultures marines |
SR Offshore Wind Conference, Exhibition & Dinner 2016 |
AORAC workshop: Making the ecosystem approach operational |
MSEAS 2016 Understanding marine socio-ecological systems: including the human dimension in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments |
Offshore Energy and Storage conference - OSES 2016 |
Participatory Research and Co-management in Fisheries Symposium |
Flood & Coast 2016 |
Seafood Expo Global |
O Mar Português na perspetiva da Ciência e da Estratégia |
RenewbleUK 2014: Annual Conference and Exhibition |
Information Day - Blue Growth calls under the EMFF |
European funding sources and port development |
Posidonia 2016 |
49th Annual General Meeting of EMPA (European Maritime Pilots’ Association) |
EcoNav 2016 La semaine de l'éconavigation |
SPE Offshore Europe 2015 |
4th Annual Wind Resource Assessment Forum |
Seagriculture - 4th International Seaweed Conference |
The 10th Annual Conference - FLNG 2015 |
Ocean Energy Europe 2015 |
Offshore Decommissioning Conference |
VII World Tuna Conference 2015 |
Offshore Wind R&D Conference 2015 |
Second Mares Conference on Marine Ecosytems Health and Conservation |
II Workshop Somos Atlánticos: Evento Nacional del Equipo de Apoyo al Plan de Acción del Atlántico" |
2nd Annual Offshore Power Cable Engineering and Reliability Forum |
Oceanology International 2016 |
5th International Jellyfish Bloom Symposium |
Littoral 2016 |
Somos Atlánticos – I Workshop Nacional del Equipo de Apoyo al Plan de Acción del Atlántico |
6th Offshore Mariculture Conference |
London International Shipping Week |
Roadshow Portugal Global 2016 |
First MARES Conference - Marine Ecosystems health and Conservation |
UHINAK II Cross border conference on climate and coastal change |
General assembly RTA-ATN |
III Workshop Somos Atlánticos: Los Retos Emergentes de la Economía del Mar |
XV Congresso Nacional de Aquacultura (CNA) / I Congresso Ibérico de Aquacultura (CIA) |
Por Novos Mares – Jornadas da Economia do Mar |
Global Offshore Wind 2015 |
5th Annual Vessels & Access Forum |
8th Annual EFIB 2015 – The European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Biobased Economy |
ExpoBiogaz |
The 5th Annual LNG Global Congress |
International Conference on Decommissioning of Offshore & Subsea Structures |
Oil & Money 2015 |
Aquaculture 2015 Cutting Edge Science in Aquaculture |
5th Annual Future Offshore Foundations Forum |