2nd National Event for the Support Team of the Atlantic Action Plan: Implementing the Atlantic Action Plan and Measuring the Ocean Economy

Support Team for the Atlantic Strategy, Socio- Economic Marine Research Unit (SEMRU)
Galway, Ireland
The 2nd National Event of the Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan, in association with the 6th Annual Beaufort Socio-Economic Marine Research Symposium took place in Galway on Tuesday 24th November 2015.

With over 100 registered delegates, the day provided participants with an update on a wide range of topics related to the marine sector in Ireland and the Atlantic Area, as well as forum for discussing funding opportunities available to Irish stakeholders. There was special on-line address by Commissioner Karmenu Vella (European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) as well as input from DG MARE, the Marine Institute, Failte Ireland and the INTERREG programmes.

The day hosted 2 parallel sessions and showcased current socio-economic marine research and funding opportunities. Sessions focused on the INTERREG Atlantic Area and Ireland Wales programme and facilitated the use of these programmes in implementing the Atlantic Action Plan, Priority 4. Presentations from both the national contact points of these programmes as well as input from stakeholders involved in these programmes created a lively discussion on the opportunities available, how people are looking to avail of these with the ultimate aim of generating potential project ideas to bring forward in the future. A number of project ideas were presented and discussed on a one-to-one basis in a dedicated networking session in the afternoon.

Delegates also had the opportunity to listen to Irish and international researchers in the area of marine socio-economics and discuss on-going research, potential collaboration and future research needs.
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