Actualité Atlantique

  • Atlantic Area Programme - First call for projects opens on 26/04/2016

    Interreg Atlantic Area Programme has announced the launch of its first call for projects to open by the end of April 2016. A total amount of €185M has been allocated to fund projects among Atlantic regions of 5 European countries covering such priorities as innovation and competitiveness, resource efficiency, territory's resilience to risks of natural, climate and human origin as well as biodiversity and natural and cultural assets. More information is available here

  • Estrategia Atlántica en Acción - Aplazado

    Lamentamos informarles de que tenemos que posponer este acto debido a las actuales perturbaciones del transporte con origen y destino en Bruselas, que ha limitado la capacidad de invitados establecidos fuera de la ciudad para planificar su viaje al acontecimiento.

  • Estratégia Atlântica em Ação - Adiado

    Lamentamos informar que, infelizmente, temos de adiar o presente evento devido à atual perturbação do transporte de e para Bruxelas, que tem limitado a capacidade dos convidados sediados fora da cidade para planearem as suas viagens para o evento.

    O evento será adiado para o 8 de junho 2016, manter-se-á em Bruxelas e o formato deverá manter-se tal como inicialmente previsto. Uma versão revista do programa será divulgada numa data posterior. Informação será dada, com a brevidade possível, quando o registo para o evento adiado for aberto, e esperamos que possa ainda participar.

  • La stratégie Atlantique en action

    Nous avons le regret de vous informer que, malheureusement, nous devons reporter cet événement en raison des perturbations en cours du transport à destination et au départ de Bruxelles, qui ont limité la capacité des invités basés en dehors de la ville de planifier leur voyage à l’événement.

  • The Atlantic Strategy in Action - POSTPONED

    We regret to inform you that unfortunately we have to postpone this event due to the ongoing disruption to transport to and from Brussels, which has limited the ability of invitees based outside of the city to plan their travel to the event.

    The event is being postponed to 8 June 2016, will remain in Brussels and the format will be maintained as originally planned. A revised version of the programme will be circulated at a later date. You will be informed shortly when registration for the postponed event will be opened, and we hope that you will still be able to attend.

  • Watch the video of the Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan!

  • Watch the video of the Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan!

  • Watch the video of the Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan!

  • Watch the video of the Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan!

  • Integrated coastal zone management: EU project to present new policy tools during final conference

    The MARE NOSTRUM project, funded by the EU within the framework of the CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin programme, will hold its closing conference in Valencia, Spain, on 24-26 November. On this occasion, policy tools developed by the project for improved coastline regulations and management will be presented to an international audience of decision makers, researchers and representatives of civil society. More info is available here.
