Actualité Atlantique

  • Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan E-Newsletter – June 2016

    Building bridges, Atlantic Project Awards 2016, National Events in Portugal and Spain, Networking and many more ... Our quarterly Newsletter is out!

    Learn more about the activities of the Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan here

  • Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan E-Newsletter – June 2016

    Building bridges, Atlantic Project Awards 2016, National Events in Portugal and Spain, Networking and many more ... Our quarterly Newsletter is out!

    Learn more about the activities of the Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan here

  • Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan E-Newsletter – June 2016

    Building bridges, Atlantic Project Awards 2016, National Events in Portugal and Spain, Networking and many more ... Our quarterly Newsletter is out!

    Learn more about the activities of the Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan here

  • Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan E-Newsletter – June 2016

    Building bridges, Atlantic Project Awards 2016, National Events in Portugal and Spain, Networking and many more ... Our quarterly Newsletter is out!

    Learn more about the activities of the Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan here

  • European Brokerage Event – Sciences & Technologies of the Sea

    L’ European Brokerage Event – Sciences & Technologies of the Sea est ouvert à tous types d'entreprises, universités et chercheurs Européens intéressées par un simple échange d'idées de projets innovants ou commerciaux ou bien afin de trouver des partenaires pour de futures collaborations dans le domaine des sciences et technologies de la mer. En facilitant les contacts avec de futurs partenaires de toute l'Europe, l’International B2B Meetings permet de :

  • European Brokerage Event – Sciences & Technologies of the Sea

    European Brokerage Event – Sciences & Technologies of the Sea are organised as part of the 10th edition of Sea Tech Week. These meetings are a unique opportunity to meet key stakeholders. This networking event is aimed for a wide spectrum of companies, universities and researchers from Europe interested in sharing new project ideas and finding new partners in the marine science field. The main objective of this event is to facilitate contacts with future partners from all over Europe by:

  • European Brokerage Event – Sciences & Technologies of the Sea

    European Brokerage Event – Sciences & Technologies of the Sea are organised as part of the 10th edition of Sea Tech Week. These meetings are a unique opportunity to meet key stakeholders. This networking event is aimed for a wide spectrum of companies, universities and researchers from Europe interested in sharing new project ideas and finding new partners in the marine science field. The main objective of this event is to facilitate contacts with future partners from all over Europe by:

  • European Brokerage Event – Sciences & Technologies of the Sea

    European Brokerage Event – Sciences & Technologies of the Sea are organised as part of the 10th edition of Sea Tech Week. These meetings are a unique opportunity to meet key stakeholders. This networking event is aimed for a wide spectrum of companies, universities and researchers from Europe interested in sharing new project ideas and finding new partners in the marine science field. The main objective of this event is to facilitate contacts with future partners from all over Europe by:

  • 3ème Evénement National France du Plan d’Action Atlantique

    Cet événement est organisé par la National Unit France du mécanisme d'assistance au Plan d'Action Atlantique, avec le soutien de Brest Métropole.

    Le Plan d'Action Atlantique vise à revitaliser l’économie marine et maritime dans la région atlantique. Il montre comment les États membres atlantiques de l'UE, leurs régions et la Commission peuvent contribuer à créer une croissance durable dans les régions côtières et faire avancer l’«économie bleue», tout en préservant l’environnement et l’équilibre écologique de l’océan Atlantique.

  • 3ème Evénement National France du Plan d’Action Atlantique

    Cet événement est organisé par la National Unit France du mécanisme d'assistance au Plan d'Action Atlantique, avec le soutien de Brest Métropole.

    Le Plan d'Action Atlantique vise à revitaliser l’économie marine et maritime dans la région atlantique. Il montre comment les États membres atlantiques de l'UE, leurs régions et la Commission peuvent contribuer à créer une croissance durable dans les régions côtières et faire avancer l’«économie bleue», tout en préservant l’environnement et l’équilibre écologique de l’océan Atlantique.
