Atlantic News

Integrated coastal zone management: EU project to present new policy tools during final conference

The MARE NOSTRUM project, funded by the EU within the framework of the CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin programme, will hold its closing conference in Valencia, Spain, on 24-26 November. On this occasion, policy tools developed by the project for improved coastline regulations and management will be presented to an international audience of decision makers, researchers and representatives of civil society...

Second round of national events for the Atlantic Action Plan

The second round of the national events is about to begin in mid-November in Portugal, Ireland, Spain and France and will be concluded early December in the UK. Stakeholders from the aforementioned countries will have the possibility to meet with the Focal Points and discuss about project ideas and funding opportunities. More information about the events, the agendas and the...

Second round of national events for the Atlantic Action Plan

The second round of the national events is about to begin in mid-November in Portugal, Ireland, Spain and France and will be concluded early December in the UK. Stakeholders from the aforementioned countries will have the possibility to meet with the Focal Points and discuss about project ideas and funding opportunities. More information about the events, the agendas and the...

Second round of national events for the Atlantic Action Plan

The second round of the national events is about to begin in mid-November in Portugal, Ireland, Spain and France and will be concluded early December in the UK. Stakeholders from the aforementioned countries will have the possibility to meet with the Focal Points and discuss about project ideas and funding opportunities. More information about the events, the agendas and the...

Second round of national events for the Atlantic Action Plan

The second round of the national events is about to begin in mid-November in Portugal, Ireland, Spain and France and will be concluded early December in the UK. Stakeholders from the aforementioned countries will have the possibility to meet with the Focal Points and discuss about project ideas and funding opportunities. More information about the events, the agendas and the...

Save the Date: 2nd Mares Conference on Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation - 1st to 5th February 2016 in Olhão, Portugal

The Mares Conference is an initiative from the MARES Joint Doctoral Programme and EuroMarine Network , and is expected to attract around 200 attendees from across the world. It presents a unique opportunity to bring together marine researchers, scientists, educators and policymakers to address the key issues regarding marine ecosystems health and conservation. The conference aims to be dynamic and...

Save the Date: 2nd Mares Conference on Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation - 1st to 5th February 2016 in Olhão, Portugal

The Mares Conference is an initiative from the MARES Joint Doctoral Programme and EuroMarine Network , and is expected to attract around 200 attendees from across the world. It presents a unique opportunity to bring together marine researchers, scientists, educators and policymakers to address the key issues regarding marine ecosystems health and conservation. The conference aims to be dynamic and...

Save the Date: 2nd Mares Conference on Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation - 1st to 5th February 2016 in Olhão, Portugal

The Mares Conference is an initiative from the MARES Joint Doctoral Programme and EuroMarine Network , and is expected to attract around 200 attendees from across the world. It presents a unique opportunity to bring together marine researchers, scientists, educators and policymakers to address the key issues regarding marine ecosystems health and conservation. The conference aims to be dynamic and...

Save the Date: 2nd Mares Conference on Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation - 1st to 5th February 2016 in Olhão, Portugal

Save the Date: 2nd Mares Conference on Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation - 1st to 5th February 2016 in Olhão, Portugal
The Mares Conference is an initiative from the MARES Joint Doctoral Programme and EuroMarine Network , and is expected to attract around 200 attendees from across the world. It presents a unique opportunity to bring together marine researchers, scientists, educators and policymakers to address the key issues regarding marine ecosystems health and conservation. The conference aims to be dynamic and...

Retenez la date : SAFER SEAS 2015 du 26 au 30 octobre 2015

Retenez la date : SAFER SEAS 2015 du 26 au 30 octobre 2015
Safer Seas 2015 : l'évènement débarque à Brest du 26 au 30 octobre! La quatrième édition de Safer Seas, évènement international sur la sûreté et la sécurité maritimes, se tiendra du 26 au 30 octobre prochain, à Brest. Rejoignez-nous!

Pour la 4e fois depuis 2002, la communauté maritime internationale se donne rendez-vous à Brest, au centre des congrès Le Quartz...