Encuentra Oportunidades de Financiación

  • There is a new funding opportunity under the EU Pilo

    November 21, 2024
    Geographical Coverage: European
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • The overall aim is to accelerate the cost-effective construction and deployment of floating wind farms, facilitating their rapid and sustainable d

    No se pudo abrir %settings. Compruebe los permisos del archivo. 21, 2025
    Geographical Coverage: European
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • This programme supports research and development projects aimed at developing new or improved products and processes for the sector which are market led and in collaboration with industry, agencies and recognised Research Performing Organisations (RPO’s). The Seafood R&D Programme provid

    Geographical Coverage: National
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • This call is open all year till exhaustion of the budget.

    Geographical Coverage: National
    Sector of Activity:
    Fish for human consumption
  • This scheme is specifically designed to assist all those directly involved or soon to be involved in implementing the landing obligation.  Eligibility is limited to fishermen; organisations of fishermen; fishermen’s co-operatives; and&nbsp

    Geographical Coverage: National
    Sector of Activity:
    Fish for human consumption
  • The Seafood Processing Development Measure is intended to drive growth of the Irish Seafood Processing sector through innovation, enhancing scale and competitiveness in industry, and capital investment in new technologies.  This call for proposals will fund the following:<

    Geographical Coverage: National
    Sector of Activity:
    Fish for human consumption
  • Objectifs:  L'aide régionale à l'installation en saliculture a pour objectifs prioritaires :

    Geographical Coverage: Regional
    Sector of Activity:
    Agriculture on saline soils
  • Su finalidad es el apoyo de proyectos empresariales que impliquen la incorporación y adaptación de tecnologías novedosas a nivel sectorial, y que supongan una ventaja competitiva para la empresa.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Final Beneficiaries: Companies, regardless of size. Minimum fundable budget: €175,000. Amount of funding: up to 75% of eligible budget (funds CDTI) and can reach 85% if you are co-funded with FEDER funds.
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • The call is opened all the year.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    There are 4 project categories. (i) I+D Individual (Beneficiaries SMEs, large business. Project length 12-36 months. Project budget: minimum €175000). (ii) R+D project in national cooperation (Beneficiaries: Consortiums, Project Length 12-36 months, Project Budget: minimum €500000), (iii) International Technological Cooperation and (Iv) projects related to specific calls.
    Sector of Activity:
    Other Sector of Activity: 
    Energy, transport, Health, Bioeconomy, Climate, Natural Resources
  • The Science Foundation Ireland Discover Programme Call aims to support and develop science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) education and public engagement sector in Ireland by:

    Geographical Coverage: National
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
    Other Sector of Activity: 
    Science Awareness
