Environmental monitoring

The 2 Seas programme overall aim is ‘To develop an innovative, knowledge and research-based, sustainable and inclusive 2 Seas area, where the natural resources are protected and the green economy is promoted’.
May 9, 2016
Geographical Coverage: European
The Programme has a total ERDF allocation for the 4 mentioned Priorities of € 241 249 780 ERDF split between them. Projects will be able to apply in the 2nd Call for 60% fixed ERDF contribution (unless state aid applies). All Priorities, Specific Objectives and funding are available for the 2nd Call for Proposals, although it is planned to have several calls for proposals over the coming years
Sector of Activity:
Carbon capture and storage
Environmental monitoring
Research & innovation
Os apoios previstos no presente regulamento têm como finalidade assegurar a recolha, tratamento e divulgação de dados biológicos, ambientais, técnicos e socioeconómicos, tendo em vista fomentar a execução da Política Comum das Pescas.
Geographical Coverage: National
Sector of Activity:
Coastal protection
Environmental monitoring
Protection of habitats
Research & innovation


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