Environmental monitoring

Applicants are invited to submit EOIs providing a clear outline of the proposed project.
May 31, 2016
Geographical Coverage: European
Total budget of the programme € 185.000.000. No specific amount has been set for the first call for applications.
Sector of Activity:
Coastal protection
Environmental monitoring
Inland waterway transport
Ocean renewable energy
Research & innovation
Traceability and security of goods supply chains
Transport (port connectivity and accessibility)
The Interreg Europe programme has a thematic focus on the following four policy topics, each related to regional development: 1. Research, technological development and innovation 2. Competitiveness of SMEs 3. Low-carbon economy 4. Environment and resource efficiency
May 13, 2016
Geographical Coverage: European
The total budget for the programme is € 359.000.000 EUR 322.4 million is available to co-finance interregional cooperation projects implemented by EU partners. Partners from Norway and Switzerland will be co-financed by national funds from their respective countries. EUR 15.3 million is allocated to finance activities carried out by the policy learning platforms. EUR 21.3 million for technical assistance.
Sector of Activity:
Environmental monitoring
Research & innovation


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