Atlantic News

  • Blue Economy Report launched at European Maritime Day 2019

    Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Mr. Karmenu Vella opened the 2019 European Maritime Day conference in Lisbon. This year, the main focus of the conference was on boosting a “blue” economy, the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, through entrepreneurship, investment, and research and innovation.

  • Ocean DEMO opens 1st Call to support ocean energy farm installations

    The first Ocean DEMO call for applications is now open. Successful applicants will receive free access to test their ocean energy products and services in real sea environments at the project’s network of test centres. Technology developers can apply for support packages to test multi-device farms or single devices able to scale up to multi-device in the future.

  • EMD 2019: 16 & 17 May

    European Maritime Day (EMD) 2019, Lisbon Portugal, 16 & 17 May,  is approaching and the full programme is now available on line

    EMD this year will focus on blue entrepreneurship, innovation and investment

  • Launch of the new CEF Transport Blending Facility

    The European Commission (EC) together with the European Investment Bank (EIB) launch the new Connecting Europe (CEF) Transport Blending Facility, an innovative financial instrument to support projects contributing to the environmental sustainability and efficiency of the transport sector in Europe.

  • New insights into European maritime traffic

    EMODnet Vessel Density Maps just launched

    European seas are a hub of human activity. Maritime transport is so widespread that it inevitably affects anybody working in or with the ocean. For the first time those responsible for monitoring shipping emissions, identifying the best routes to lay pipelines and cables, assessing the impact of fishing on the seafloor or planning offshore wind farms can have free and open access to maps and the underlying raster files of vessel activity.

  • World Bank and European Commission promote blue economy through new tool

    The World Bank and the European Commission have launched the Blue Economy Development Framework (BEDF). The Framework is a novelty in the area of international ocean governance. It helps (developing) coastal states transition to diverse and sustainable blue economies while building resilience to climate change.

  • High-level conference – more than 1000 people gather in EP to support strong EU ocean policy

    On 19 March, more than 1000 people gathered in Brussels for this year’s largest EU event on oceans. Organised by MEP Gesine Meissner and European Commissioner Karmenu Vella, the event hosted our continent’s most influential advocates for healthy, safe and sustainable oceans. And with a large delegation of students and youth organisations in the room, the conference was more than an interesting recap of today’s status quo.

  • 2 billion allocated for the establishment of the European Innovation Council

    Ahead of the 21-22 March European Council discussion on innovation, industry, and competitiveness, the Commission takes decisive steps to set up a European Innovation Council (EIC)

    Global competition is intensifying and Europe needs to deepen its innovation and risk-taking capability to compete on a market increasingly defined by new technologies.

  • Registration is Open for EMD 2019

    One more exciting European Maritime Day (EMD) is approaching. The focus of EMD 2019 in Lisbon Portugal (16 & 17 May), will be on blue entrepreneurship, innovation and investment. Check out the full provisional programme and register on line.  

  • Contribute to the evaluation of the European Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

    The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) contributes to the EU's integrated maritime policy.  It was set up as a flagship project to prepare a seamless multi-resolution digital seabed map of European waters by 2020.
