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  • Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico - Projetos Individuais - Regime Contratual de Investimento (RCI) (02/SI/2015)
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Sector of Activity:
    Other Sector of Activity: 
  • The Green Deal call, expected to be published on 17 September 2020, will mobilise research and innovation to foster a just and sustainable societal transition aiming at ‘leaving nobody behind’. Projects are expected to deliver tangible and visible results relatively quickly and show how research and innovation can provide concrete solutions for the Green Deal main priorities.

    Geographical Coverage: European
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • A Priming Grant is a business start-up grant, available to micro enterprises within the first 18 months of start-up.
    Geographical Coverage: Regional
    The maximum Priming Grant payable shall be 50% of the investment or €150,000 whichever is the lesser.
    Sector of Activity:
  • This award is run jointly with Brazil's São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). It aims: • To pump-prime collaborations between scientists in the UK and the São Paulo State, Brazil • To promote the exchange of scientists and access to facilities and materials
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Typically up to £35k over 2-years will be provided for the UK partners
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • The main focus of the programme is on stimulating the development and deployment of Ocean Energy (OE) devices and systems.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Case by case - usually a % of the project cost
    Sector of Activity:
    Other Sector of Activity: 
    Marine Renewable Energy
  • This application should be used for projects relating to: • innovation in aquaculture • productive investments in aquaculture • investments in aquaculture • management, relief and advisory services for aquaculture farms • promotion of aquaculture human capital, networking, training and education
    Geographical Coverage: National
    As described in guidance
    Sector of Activity:
    Marine aquaculture
  • Mentors in our network can provide tailored advice, guidance and support, to help you accelerate growth and build management capability.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Grant support toward costs of mentor for up to 10 sessions; maximum eligible cost of €175 per visit (total €1,750)
    Sector of Activity:
    Other Sector of Activity: 
  • Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico - Projetos em Co-Promoção - Regime Contratual de Investimento (RCI) (07/SI/2015)
    Geographical Coverage: Regional
    € 13.000.000
    Sector of Activity:
    Other Sector of Activity: 
  • The Business Expansion grant is designed to assist the business in its growth phase after the initial 18 month start-up period.  
    Geographical Coverage: Regional
    The maximum Business Expansion Grant payable shall be 50% of the investment or €150,000 whichever is the lesser
    Sector of Activity:
  • Support the delivery of events to facilitate discussion and improve awareness of knowledge exchange and commercialisation (KEC) of BBSRC-funded research.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    max £2,000 contribution to develop innovation seminars
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
