Apply for support for projects that promote the sustainable growth of output, value and employment in the aquaculture sector
Project Type 1: Organic Aquaculture
A maximum of €10,000 or 50% (30% for non-SMEs) of eligible expenditure, whichever is the lesser, per project per year.
Projects Type 2: Biotoxin Harvesting Suspension
A maximum of €100,000 or 50% (30% for non-SMEs) of eligible losses, whichever is the lesser, per beneficiary, subject to the maximum total aid to all farmers of €500,000 per year. Individual benefi ciaries will be limited to one aid payment over the period of the Programme.
Projects Type 3: Capacity Building
1) New Aquaculture Farmers – Maximum Support Rate 50%, Maximum Support amount €500,000
2) SME Aquaculture Enterprises – Maximum Support Rate 40% Maximum Support amount €500,000
3) Non-SME Aquaculture Enterprises – Maximum Support Rate 30% Maximum Support amount €500,000