Actualité Atlantique

  • Tackle Marine Litter With The Marine LitterWatch App

    Collect litter at the beach and become a scientist for the day with the Marine Litter Watch app!  

    Litter, plastics in particular, is accumulating in our seas and coasts mainly due to current unsustainable consumption and production patterns, poor waste management and the lack of public awareness. Marine litter is an increasing threat to the marine environment, to human health and our well-being. It has cross border impacts on wildlife and habitats. Without tackling marine litter, Europe cannot have healthy seas.  

  • UN Ocean Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development

    The United Nations has proclaimed a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) to support efforts to reverse the cycle of decline in ocean health and gather ocean stakeholders worldwide behind a common framework that will ensure ocean science can fully support countries in creating improved conditions for sustainable development of the Ocean.

  • Results of the consultation workshops for the new Atlantic Action Plan

    The results of the consultation process, structured through five (5) workshops, one per Atlantic Member State, for the new Atlantic Action plan are in.  

    Building on the choice of subjects of discussion in each of the workshops, a number of topics of high importance for Atlantic Stakeholders were identified:

  • Event Report: Blue Bioeconomy Forum

    The Blue Bioeconomy Forum (BBF) is a meeting place for industries, public agencies, financial organizations, researchers and civil society, working on or interested in the blue bioeconomy of the EU.

    On 25 June 2019, the BBF organised its second event. The goals of the event were to:

  • MISIONES CDTI, una nueva convocatoria para grandes proyectos de investigación industrial

    MISIONES CDTI es el nombre dado al nuevo instrumento previsto por el Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) para apoyar grandes retos multi-tecnológicos que den respuesta a problemáticas de la sociedad y la industria española. En este instrumento, CDTI ha apostado por una selección top-down de tecnologías, que actualmente está terminando de definir en colaboración con stakeholders de distintos sectores industriales.

  • Consultation on fishing opportunities for 2020 under the CFP

    DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has launched between June 11th to August 20th an open consultation on fishing opportunities for 2020 under the Common Fisheries Policy.  The contributions as well as the outcome of the seminar on the state of the stocks and the economics of fishing fleets that will take place in September, will feed into the European Commission's proposals on fishing opportunities for 2020.

  • El XXXIII Congreso Internacional de Economía Aplicada Asepelt 2019 reúne en Vigo a más de 150 especialistas

    El XXXIII Congreso Internacional de Economía Aplicada Asepelt 2019, que arrancó ayer en Vigo (Sede Afundación), reúne hasta el domingo a más de 150 especialistas de este campo en diferentes países. En esta nueva edición el encuentro se centra en la Economía Azul, área en la que Vigo es todo un referente, poniendo el acento en las actividades marítimas y el desarrollo sostenible.

  • Commission invites top experts to shape new research and innovation missions

    The European Commission launched a call for experts to join ‘Mission Boards’, which will advise the Commission for the identification and implementation of missions in Horizon Europe, the next EU research and innovation programme.  These missions will be high-ambition, high profile initiatives, to find solutions to some of the major challenges faced by European citizens, with a clear target that captures the imagination of citizens at large.  There will be five ‘Mission Boards’, one for each of the following areas:

  • Release of the European Ocean Observing Conference Report

    The report of the EOOS Conference 2018 and the related Call to Action has been published and it contains the key conclusions of the conference as well as highlights of the interactions and dialogues of the event, from plenary presentations to panel discussions and from group breakout discussions to pitch presentations and exhibition showcases.

  • Blue Economy Report launched at European Maritime Day 2019

    Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Mr. Karmenu Vella opened the 2019 European Maritime Day conference in Lisbon. This year, the main focus of the conference was on boosting a “blue” economy, the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, through entrepreneurship, investment, and research and innovation.
