Atlantic Success Story: Atlic project



The ATLIC (Atlantic InnoBlue Communities) project is a key initiative supportingfour European countries: Spain, Portugal, France and Ireland in their endeavour to develop the Blue Economy. This project seeks to develop and nurture pilot communities that act as testing grounds for innovative ideas and sustainable practices related to ocean resource management. By concentrating on youth and entrepreneurship, ATLIC establishes dynamic innovation labs where young entrepreneurs, educators, small businesses, and public and private sector entities collaborate to generate and refine business ideas promoting the sustainable use of ocean resources.

Launched in 2023, the project’s firstmajor event was the International Creative Jam held in Lugo, Spain, in March 2024. This transnational event brought together over 100 participants from all partner countries to work on solutions for Blue Economy challenges. The project is organized around three planned transnational labs that will address key Blue Economy challenges and opportunities in each participating country. These labs aim to foster job creation, enterprise development, tourism, and environmental improvements, contributing to reduced pollution and enhanced clean energy production.

ATLIC’s innovation labs are designed as "living laboratories," providing a collaborative environment where young entrepreneurs can experiment with and develop ideas that drive both economic and environmental progress. A standout feature of the project is its emphasis on transforming ocean waste into profitable business ventures, highlighting the potential for sustainability to intersect with economic growth. To date, the project has engaged 250 stakeholders through co-creation sessions and national roundtables, involving 62 experts from various sectors and generating 89 innovative business ideas.

In addition to these activities, ATLIC will further its impact through the establishment of the Atlantic Area Open Innoblue Academy. This academy will serve as a vital resource hub, offering ongoing training and support to young entrepreneurs and stakeholders across the region. The academy will facilitate knowledge exchange, provide access to an open library of resources, and ensure the long-term sustainability of the project's results by continuing to foster innovation and collaboration beyond the project’s formal timeline. Its success will be measured by the development of viable business models, the creation of new job opportunities, and the positive impact on marine conservation efforts.

According to José Silvela, Director of Vida Lactea and a partner of ATLIC project "The ATLIC project is more than an initiative; it is a movement to unlock the potential of the Blue Economy for the future of Atlantic regions. By creating pilot communities for young entrepreneurs, we are empowering the next generation to lead sustainable innovation while boosting local economies."

Grant Agreement:

  • Project duration: 01.09.2023 to 31.08.2026
  • Project locations: Spain, Portugal, France and Ireland
  • Overall budget: €3.50 million
  • EU contribution: €2.62 million (ERDF funding)
  • Funding Programme: Interreg Atlantic Area
  • Sectors: Blue Economy, Innovation, Sustainability
  • Coordinator: Município de Santo Tirso (Portugal)
  • Entities involved: Lead Partner: Município de Santo Tirso (Portugal)
  • Partners: BlueLab (France), L'École de design Nantes Atlantique (France), Vida Láctea, S.L.U. (Spain), Associação para o Centro Incubação Base Tecnológica do Minho (Portugal), Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios e Navigación de Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Institute for Methods Innovation (Ireland), Associação Comercial e Industrial do Funchal - Câmara de Comércio e Indústria da Madeira (Portugal), Universidade dos Açores (Portugal), Donegal Youth Service (Ireland)
  • Associated Partners: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Lug Open Factory (Spain), Asociación AMICOS (Spain), Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, I.P. (Portugal), Ayuntamiento de Vedra (Spain), Pornic Agglo - Pays de Retz (France)

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