The "Maritime Blue Economy strategies: a booster for stakeholders engagement" Pitch session occurred in the 25 May during the European Maritime Day, and pointed out the importance of national and regional stakeholder’s engagement to be supported at all levels and in a consistent approach for the development of a sustainable blue economy.
It consisted of a open discussion between the participants, with the French National Hub playing the role of moderator. Some regional actors participated as speakers such as the French national coordinator for APP and WestMED, Irish National coordinator for APP, Forum Oceano, Pole Mer Bretagne Atlantique.
The event aimed to:
- Create potential for synergies with other two sea basins as well as organizations, donors, between others;
- Create national and clusters engagement in the Atlantic and WestMED.
Main conclusions from the event:
- The French engagement was recalled in the WestMed Initiative and the Atlantic Action plan, from the outset, to boost maritime blue economy strategies by mobilizing national stakeholders, exploring synergies with other initiatives and supporting the development of innovative projects.
- The regional blue economy strategies are fully dedicated to develop solidarity between countries and their stakeholders in particular with the international ongoing political situation.
- The importance of national and regional stakeholder’s engagement to be supported at all levels and in a consistent approach for the development of a sustainable blue economy. Fort this, the role of the assistance mechanism funded by the EU was fully acknowledged:
- with the national hub to support project development (NH Missions and roadmap) and to develop networks between States parties of the initiative with existing organisations;
- with the engagement of the maritime clusters (Pôles Mer Med and Bretagne Atlantique, Forum Oceano) in the hub – enabler to develop innovation and entrepreneurship with regional private and public actors;
- The development of synergies from one sea basin to another is to be enhanced by sharing good practices and project ideas taking the advantages of the some countries in several sea basin (ie. France, Spain, Portugal).
Main next steps:
- Regional stakeholders conference
- For WestMED and Ministerial declaration (Malta, June 2023)
- for the AAP and Ministerial declaration (Portugal, October 2023)
- Join events between the sea basins
If you are interested in knowing more, please consult the following links with the online media coverage of the event: