Economic Impacts of Maritime Spatial Planning


Blue economy is one of the pillars on which MSP is founded. Among the objectives of MSP is to improve the investment climate by promoting convergence of legal and technical frameworks operating in neighbouring countries. In this way, MSP is becoming a key tool for accelerating strategic cross-border investments, in line with the European Commission's priorities for the Green Deal.

The study on “Economic Impacts of Maritime Spatial Planning” is part of the 'Joint Roadmap to accelerate Maritime/Marine Spatial Planning processes worldwide'. By 2030 the results of this study, combined with the other 9 actions of the Joint Roadmap, are expected to triple the area of territorial waters that benefit from an effectively implemented MSP system. 

The webinar will present the findings of the study and formulate recommendations in the context of the joint DG MARE/IOC UNESCO roadmap.

It will be organized in 3 blocks: 1) presentation of the results 2) practical applications derived from the study for the international guidelines of the MSP, which are under development and 3) and the way forward.

To register, click here.

Online webinar