Joint National Event Atlantic - WestMed, Portugal


Forum Oceano, the National Focal Point of the WestMED Technical Assistance Mechanism, the Directorate-General for Maritime Policy and the National Hub of the Assistance Mechanism to the Atlantic Strategy Action Plan will hold a national event titled a "Day with Stakeholders on Interregional Cooperation on Atlantic and Western Mediterranean", on February 27th , starting at 10:30 am , at the IPMA facilities in Algés .

The event aims to promote the presentation of initiatives for the Atlantic and Western Mediterranean, their programs and work in progress, as well as exploring potential synergies. The event will include a plenary session and a set of parallel workshops, organized according to the participants' thematic interests.

In the case of the stakeholders involved in the WestMED Initiative, the session aims to signal the interests of national actors in relation to themes, projects and partnerships that favor their participation in the cooperation process in the Western Mediterranean. Participation in this event will be of great relevance to align perspectives and strategies between national partners. In this context, it will be of utmost convenience that the actors can express their respective interests in terms of themes and project ideas, with a view to preparing Portugal's participation in the Barcelona Conference (2nd Regional Stakeholders Conference on the Blue Economy ) and in the WestMED Hackathons (10 and 11 March, Barcelona). 

Participation is free, but subject to registration so we encourage participants to register here:

The program is available for consultation here.

Alges, Portugal