Maritime Regions, Blue Growth and Smart Specialisation

Government of the Canary Islands, S3 Platform
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Most countries and regions across Europe now have in place Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3), as a result of the European Union's new results orientated Cohesion Policy. They now face the challenge of moving from strategy making to implementation, through tailored policy mixes and tools, including (but not limited to) the use of European Structural and Investment Funds. To help launch this process, this workshop will bring together national and regional policy makers that identified 'Blue Growth' as a priority in their RIS3. They will be joined by European policy makers including from DG Maritime Affairs, DG Research and Innovation and DG Regional Policy. Other stakeholders are also welcome.
The workshop will be highly participatory and also include an optional technical visit.
The objectives are to:
  • Understand how blue growth has been prioritized and framed in RIS3;
  • Discuss blue growth solutions proposed by industry, researchers and other stakeholders;
  • Examine possible blue growth policy mixes including the use of European funds;
  • Explore possibilities for transnational cooperation projects.