Nautisme Espace Atlantique 3

The project's primary goal is to bring together legitimate, recognised key players from within the Atlantic Arc regions via a Cluster dedicated to the marine- leisure industry. As a way of engaging all the main industry players as well as regional, national and European institutions, the project will act as a stimulus for innovation, to encourage economic development in the sector. This Cluster, committed to the focused development of the marine leisure industry, also has the aim of encouraging job creation and business growth, via three interdependent and complementary areas of excellence in the sector: - Area of excellence “Tourism, Water Sports and Beach Sports” - Area of excellence “Industry, Commerce, Services” - Area of excellence “Ports, Leisure Boating”
Sector of Activity:
Other sector of activity:
Nautical Activities
The aim for 2020 is to enable the sector to increase jobs and the action plan is based on a limited number of shared actions, called “Dorsals”, shared by as many partners as possible. These “dorsals” will stimulate innovation in the Atlantic Arc and contribute to sustainable change in the industry, strengthening the attractiveness of the different regions by complementing the natural and cultural assets and achieving economic development.
All stackholders of the industry
Main activities:
- “Tourism, Water Sports and Beach Sports” - “Industry, Commerce, Services” - “Ports, Leisure Boating”
Main deliverables:
Technical implementation sheet for new activities, video tutorials, digital tools suited to the facilitation of exchanges on good practice. Specification for implementation of a dedicated event, specific communication resources, communication with general public, special digital tools. Seminar on the eco-construction and eco-design, inventory of companies and key players, dedicated section of website for new technologies, technological survey. Plans and technical specification for the prototypes for professional commercial use, presentation of economic model for the boat concept and implementation method, video tutorials. Descriptive sheets of itineraries and destination, technical sheet for implementing new activities, training guide for professionals, suitable digital tools. Technical sheets relating to the implementation of new products and services, specifications for the implementation of the Port Information Points, digital tools developed for communication, video tutorials. The project website (newsletter, videos, inclusion of partner production on the site, technical sheets, tutorials, specifications, etc.)
Partners needed:
Partners in UK
Submission in 2016
Geographical target area:
Atlantic Area
United Kingdom
3 Millions €
Name of Organization:
Conseil Régional de Bretagne
Contact person:
Audrey Gachet et Vincent Gaonac’h