
eTendering is an eProcurement platform based on EC directives where Contracting Authorities and Economic Operators can perform their daily eProcurement activities. Allowing access to a Call for Tenders related documentation such as Contractual documentation, Technical specifications, Annexes, Questions and Answers, the eTendering represents a very effective extension to TED (Tenders Electronic Daily) the online version of the 'Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union'. The business transaction is processed under a secure environment and in an efficient way. eTendering is the most cost effective way to perform tendering – all the proposed services are free of charge.
eTendering provides access to all Call for Tenders related documentation. It is updated five times a week and is integrated and synchronized with TED. The benefit for the eTendering users is as follows:

For Contracting Authorities

  • Offers to Contracting Authorities a collaborative e-procurement environment for elaboration of complete Call for Tenders documentation,
  • Provides possibility to process and organize answers to 'Economic Operators´ questions.
  • Provides synchronization with the Calls for Tenders elaborated on eNotices and published on TED portal.
  • Possibility to publish also the lower-value Calls for Tenders independently form TED portal.

For Economic Operators

  • Provides access to all publicly available Calls for Tenders related documentation,
  • Provides the tools and services for carrying out transparent and safe preparation and submissions of Calls for Tenders related questions,
  • Provides fast access to all public and private declared answers,
  • Provides additional services as notification related to changes in chosen Calls for Tenders.
  • Provides also access to lower-value Calls for tenders if the Contracting Authority decides to publish them (publication of them is not mandatory).