
Call to run a project focussed on preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency in Worcestershire. This call is looking to preserve and protect the environment and promote resource efficiency and specifically:
May 27, 2016
Geographical Coverage: Regional
Up to £1,300,000 of funding is available through this call. A minimum value of £500,000 of funding can be applied for.
Sector of Activity:
Environmental monitoring
Other Sector of Activity: 
Promoting resource efficiency
Call for project's supporting the shift towards a low carbon economy in Greater Birmingham and Solihull. This call is looking to support the shift to low carbon economy in all sectors and specifically: • Promoting the production and distribution of energy derived from renewable resources.
May 27, 2016
Geographical Coverage: Regional
Up to £5,400,000 of funding is available through this call. A minimum value of £500,000 of funding can be applied for.
Sector of Activity:
Carbon capture and storage
Research & innovation
Other Sector of Activity: 
Promoting energy efficiency


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