
ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus

ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus is an initiative of 21 European countries and regions. The vision for smart grids in Europe is to create an electric power system that integrates renewable energies and enables flexible consumer and production technologies. This can help to shape an electricity grid with a high security of supply, coupled with low greenhouse gas emissions, at an affordable price. The aim is to support the development of the technologies, market designs and customer adoptions that are necessary to reach this goal. ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus is providing a hub for


Design & construction of modular ships for the oceanographic study. Imos suggests modular catamarans (from 60 to 80 ft with different work spaces such as wetland, dry area, IT area, storage area) which allow a cross-disciplinary team to use at the same time the on-board scientific equipments.


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