Environmental monitoring

To deliver its aim, the programme has identified three thematic priorities, each of which is sub-divided into specific objectives. These priorities and specific objectives (SO) are:

Priority 1: Innovation

May 24, 2017
Geographical Coverage: European
€ 372 million: All projects need to be match-funded. The maximum ERDF grant rate for partners is 60% of the total project budget. The partnership will need to provide the remaining 40%
Sector of Activity:
Carbon capture and storage
Coastal protection
Environmental monitoring
Marine biotechnology
Marine minerals mining
Ocean renewable energy
Offshore oil and gas
Offshore wind
Research & innovation
Fomento e impulso de la sostenibilidad pesquera y acuícola, en el marco del Programa Pleamar
May 5, 2017
Geographical Coverage: National
Sector of Activity:
Environmental monitoring
Fish for animal feeding
Marine aquaculture
Marine biotechnology
Research & innovation


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