Environmental monitoring

Call to run a project focussed on preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency in Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. This call is looking to preserve and protect the environment and promote resource efficiency and specifically:
May 27, 2016
Geographical Coverage: Regional
Up to £2,800,000 of funding is available through this call. A minimum value of £500,000 of funding can be applied for.
Sector of Activity:
Environmental monitoring
Other Sector of Activity: 
Promoting resource efficiency
Framework contract for services to move towards good environmental status of the European marine waters by implementing the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
June 28, 2016
Geographical Coverage: European
The total aggregated maximum bi-annual amount for which specific contracts can be awarded will not exceed 10.000.000 € (i.e. 5.000.000€ per year and 20.000.000 € for the total maximum duration of the framework contract). The indicative price of the specific contracts is envisaged to range between 50.000€ - 250.000€, however, it is not excluded that specific contracts may be issued outside of this range.
Sector of Activity:
Environmental monitoring


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