AquaWind is a European project, funded by the EMFAF programme, which aims to achieve a practical demonstration of a multi-use (MU) integrated solution offshore renewable energy and aquaculture thanks to the efforts of a multidisciplinary stakeholders’ consortia including R&D centres, companies, a regional authority, and a maritime cluster from three EU members states (FR, ES, PT) in the Atlantic basin. AquaWind is set up as a Flagship project to serve as a template for the Atlantic Basin.
What are the innovative solutions you are proposing?

The innovation in this project lies in the MU technology, combining an existing prototype for marine renewable energy production, W2Power, with an innovative finfish aquaculture solution. W2Power is a twin semi-submer gible platform concept developed by EnerOcean. It is an innovative adaptation of proven, mature offshore technologies to the needs of emerging deep-water offshore wind. The aquaculture prototype includes a tailor-made design fish cage with novel net materials, high level of digitalization and species diversification. For the first-time, MU test trials joining marine energy production with live fish aquaculture in the Atlantic region. The project will demonstrate how the joint activity can be digitised to be remotely operated in the same maritime space with different fish species and how one activity might affect the other, before going one step further to becoming the new W2Power prototype in a commercial solution.
Results of the project until now
A first key action for the implementation of the AquaWind project was to carry out the analysis of legal and administrative requirements to deploy the MU platform at the offshore test site, Two core sets of technical and engineering activities have been carried out:
Improvements to the W2Power Prototype
One of the most important milestones has been the substantial improvement in the design and structure of the pre-existing W2Power offshore energy prototype, to be integrated with the aquaculture solution.
Innovations in Aquaculture

In aquaculture, the design and first tests of a new aquaculture cage prototype have been completed. This innovative octagonal structure, made of copper alloy netting, is designed to improve the durability and efficiency of the aquaculture system.
The project has also developed an initial circular model that aims to reduce the carbon footprint of the project multipurpose system. This approach encompasses both the materials and processes used, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly economy, thus reinforcing the project's commitment to innovation and sustainability.
In parallel with technical activities, AquaWind includes a stakeholder engagement process. This is a voluntary, open and active process, which identifies the current position of all the parties involved, outlines objectives and results and identifies how to achieve them.
The project has also started to work on the management of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), as well as on business & exploitation activities including market research and work on business models, techno-economic assessment, job prospect creation plans, investors’ identification and contacts, etc.
What would be a possible follow-up to scale up your project?
To scale up the AquaWind project, a logical next step would involve transitioning from the current demonstration phase to pre-commercial and ultimately commercial phases. This would include several integrated actions such as expanding pilot sites in the Atlantic basin to validate the solution in different conditions, optimising the technology with digitalisation and advanced materials, and conducting comprehensive environmental and economic assessments.
Developing a scalable business model, strengthening stakeholder engagement through localised benefits, and advocating for supportive regulatory frameworks are key. Furthermore, fostering international collaborations, promoting circular economy principles and integrating sustainable practices will position AquaWind as a global leader in multi-purpose offshore solutions, enabling a transition to commercial deployment while promoting EU sustainability goals.

Information of dates, funding, location, and countries involved. etc
Project name: Innovative multi-use prototype combining offshore renewable energy and aquaculture in the Atlantic Basin
Project acronym: AquaWind
Funding Programme: European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF)
Overall Budget: 1.333 148€
EU Contribution: 80% of the overall budget 1.066518€
Duration: 01.09.2022 – 30.11.2025
Coordinator: Gobierno de Canarias (GOBCAN) – Agencia Canaria de Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Información (ACIISI)
Project location: Atlantic Basin – Canary Islands
Entities involved: Consulta Europa Projects and Innovation (CE) (Canary Islands- Spain); Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) (Canary Islands- Spain); Fundación Canaria Parque Científico Tecnológico de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Canary Islands- Spain); Consorcio para el diseño, construcción, Equipamiento y Explotación de la Plataforma Oceanica de Canarias (PLOCAN) (Canary Islands- Spain); Asociación Cluster Marítimo de Canarias (CMC) (Canary Islands- Spain); EnerOcean S.L. (Spain); INNOSEA (France); WavEC-Offshore Renowables-Centro de Energía Offshore Associacao (WAVEC) (Portugal); Canarias Explotaciones Marinas SL (CANEXMAR) (Spain).
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