Workshop on Digital Transformation in Traditional Blue Economy Sectors: Fishing, Aquaculture and Coastal Tourism


The workshop will provide an opportunity for project beneficiaries to discuss how the digital transformation is transforming their sector. Its main goal is to establish a framework to foster information exchange, networking and cooperation across projects funded by both the EMFF/EMFAF and other funding programmes.

The workshop will present success stories, information and funding options for project coordinators to consider with the objective of establishing synergies and stimulate potential cooperation in the field of digital transformation in traditional blue economy sectors (fishing, aquaculture and coastal tourism).

The EMFF has funded 20 projects dealing with fishing and aquaculture and 15 dealing with coastal tourism.

The workshop will take place online on 28 June 2023 from 10:00 to 13:00 CET. An agenda and a link to join will be shared with registered participants closer to that date.

If you are interested in joining this event, please REGISTER HERE

Online Event from 10:00 to 13:00 CET
Sector of Activity:
Type of event:
External events