The Workshop “Building a strong Atlantic network of Blue innovation” will take place on 16 June in Lisbon, from 10.00 to 13.00 WEST, at CCDR-Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, together with the FANBEST project – Funding Atlantic Network of Blue Economy Technology Transfer (INTERREG Atlantic Area). Working languages during the workshop are EN, PT, FR, ES and will be defined according to participants in Lisbon. Note that this event will also be webstreamed in EN from 11.00-14.00 for CEST connections.
The event will be chaired by President Teresa Almeida, President of CCDR-Lisboa e Vale do Tejo and First Vice President of the AAC.
In a context where the Atlantic Area benefits from a strong network of research and test centers for technologies, especially to be applied in the maritime industries, and while the EU is multiplying initiatives and programmes to boost R&I in Europe, support entrepreneurship and scale-up Start-ups and SMEs, this meeting co-organised with CCDR Lisboa e Vale do Tejo aims at:
- Understanding what are the priorities of Atlantic Regions in terms of R&I and Start-up/SME scale-up
- Evaluating the adequacy of existing EU schemes with regards boosting innovation in the Atlantic regions
- Identifying what could be done to improve the capacity of Atlantic Start-ups “made in Atlantic” to overcome the “Valley of Death”
For more information about the agenda, please click here.
All the information requested is on the webpage and regularly updated: Workshop FANBEST Project – Building a strong Atlantic network of Blue Innovation – CPMR Atlantic Arc Commission (
If you are interested in joining for this workshop, do not forget to register here!
CCDR-Lisboa e Vale do Tejo together with the FANBEST project
Hybrid format: Comissão de Coordenação da Desenvolvimento Regional (CCDR) de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo Rua Alexandre Herculano, 37 - 1250-009 Lisboa; and on-line
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