Ports as gateways and hubs for the energy transition: Potential sources of energy and prototype’s analysis

Ports as gateways and hubs for the energy transition: Potential sources of energy and prototype’s analysis
Online Webinar - Atlantic Action Plan Pillar I


  • Date & Time: 15th of April 2024; 10h00 – 12h00 CET
  • Online / Language: ENGLISH
  • Registry: LINK
  • Agenda: LINK

Just as with other economic activities in the EU, there is a growing need for new maritime fleets to be transferred to the possible front of fossil fuels. This is only one contribution to the objectives of the Green European Union, including the reduction of GEI emissions, but also to the profitability, sustainability, and resilience of the sector (EU Commission, 2023).
As such, the present webinar will occur on the 15 th of April 2024 from 10-12h (CET time) and will discuss main challenges encountered when finding oriented solutions on sources of energy and prototypes for adapting the various maritime fleets towards the energy transition needs. The webinar will serve so as to present the reflections and conclusions that were gathered on a previous Atlantic Action Plan Workshop (June 2023), which were gathered in a guidance document that aims to serve the industry, academia and decision makers as guidance on potential sources of energy and existing prototypes for adapting our various fleet types.

  • Objective: Present the guidance document to the wider audience and serve as opportunity for participants to comment on the presented potential sources of energy and potential prototypes adapted to each type of fleet.
  • Output: Improved guiding document (with received comments) on potential sources of energy and advise on prototypes for industry, academia and administration decision making. This document will be directly shared with the EU Energy Transition Partnership in a meeting in May 2024.
  • Methodology: Sources of energy and prototypes adapted to several fleets. The workshop must be as participatory as possible, so a design thinking methodology will be implemented. Participants will be able to provide their comments, opinions and insights directly by speaking at the webinar or by MENTIMETER.

Participants include:

  • Shipbuilding: Representants of the ship building industry, including different types of vessels
  • Fishing sector: Representants of different fishing fleets.
  • Energy: Representants from several entities linked to energy.
  • Bay traffic: Representants of bay traffic companies
  • Ports: Representatives of ports with innovative experiences.
  • Ports services


Online Event