PILLAR 4 WORKSHOP- 10 June 2021
“Resilience of coastal territories: from decision to action through observation and services”
15:30-17:30 CEST
Agenda | Workshop Recording (FR)
The EU Atlantic coast is vulnerable, considering the high number of human activities in this area. Large storms, floods and erosion also have a detrimental effect on large parts of the coast and will likely be exacerbated through climate change. Both the ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the annual ocean state report from the Copernicus Earth Observation programme predict a continued rise of sea level at an accelerated pace and an increase in extreme weather events (marine heat waves, storm surges).
To address the needs identified above, the pillar includes one specific goal “stronger coastal resilience” and a set of concrete actions such the demonstration of a comprehensive alert and observing system for increased storms and floods due to climate change or the development of synergies between existing EU infrastructures for coastal observation and protection, as well as for alert and monitoring and increase the development of in- situ ocean observatories. As part of a series of national events organised by the assistance mechanism for the Atlantic 2.0 action plan, the workshop will focus on its pillar IV, notably on the resilience of coastal territories to climate change and the actions mentioned above in particular how coastal and marine observation and monitoring can contribute to answer the needs of public authorities with innovative services for coastal resilience.
Please find the event agenda here.
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