Pillar I Workshop:The current status and future direction of digitalisation in ports in the Atlantic sea basin



“The Current Status and Future Direction of Digitalisation in Ports in the Atlantic Sea Basin.”

09:30-12.30 GMT

Agenda | Workshop recording

Digitalisation is of key importance for the future growth, sustainability and efficiency of the maritime industry. The efficiency of the sector and its ability to conduct its operations in a smart and sustainable manner is of key importance for the competitiveness and future growth and resilience of the Atlantic Sea Basin.  In this context, there are a number of existing initiatives underway that are of different stages of development and at different scales. In order to progress, an understanding of the various initiatives underway at both a Member State and multi-partner project level is important. This is with a view to making the following progress:

  • Understanding best practice from existing projects that can be leveraged by ports who are considering the development of projects in the context of their own systems.
  • Understanding opportunities for a project of scale where a coordinated approach across the Atlantic basin can contribute to wider advantages e.g. in particular in relation to connectivity and the facilitation of trade.

To that effect, the 1st Pillar I Workshop will focus on issues relating to digitalisation and how these can advance the objectives and goals of Pillar I of the Atlantic Action Plan as follows: 

  • Establish the range of existing digitalisation initiatives in the Atlantic region that will support actions 2 and 3.
  • Roadmap to establish the single window environment in Atlantic ports
  • Support further representation from Atlantic ports on the Digital Transport Forum

Please find the event agenda here

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