Pillar I event: Ports as gateways and hubs for the energy transition


The event consist in an in person only workshop, in English languagewith no options for hybrid and no options for translation.

It will occur in the 30th of June from 9-17h (CEST time) and will discuss main challenges encountered when finding oriented solutions on sources of energy and prototypes for adapting the various maritime fleets towards the energy transition needs. The workshop reflections and conclusions will be gathered in a guidance document that aims to serve the industry, academia and decision makers as guidance on potential sources of energy and existing prototypes for adapting our various fleet types.

  • Objective: Analysis on potential sources of energy and potential prototypes adapted to each type of fleet.
  • Output: Preliminary document on potential sources of energy and advise on prototypes for industry, academia and administration decision making.
  • Methodology: Sources of energy and prototypes adapted to several fleets. The workshop must be as participatory as possible, so a design thinking methodology will be implemented.
  • Participants (task force and advisory group) will be divided into three working groups. Each of the working groups will be moderated by an expert on the topic. Participants include:
    • Shipbuilding: Representants of the ship building industry, including different types of vessels
    • Fishing sector: Representants of different fishing fleets.
    • Energy: Representants from several entities linked to energy.
    • Bay traffic: Representants of bay traffic companies
    • Ports: Representatives of ports with innovative experiences.
    • Ports services

Also, as a cross cutting energy sector representatives, including administration, academia, and private sector, will participate in the three working groups.

The working session will be split into two parts:

  1. The first part will help participants in each of the groups to identify the main challenges of the fleet that they represent in terms of sources of energy. For this, the facilitators will help participants to discuss and reach conclusions in 45 min. Participants will work over a scheme of prioritization of the challenges. The moderator will ask three questions, and participants will work to respond them. Once challenges are identifying these will be prioritized (post-its dynamics).
  2. The second part will be solutions oriented. Participants will advise on potential solutions based on good practices. The moderator will ask three questions so the debate will run to answer them. The working group will also identify constraints and needs to achieve the proposed solutions. Main achievements and conclusions from the working groups will be prepared during the lunch time to be discussed in plenary. Discussion will lead to the preparation and agreement of conclusions. These will be part of a technical document that will allow the next steps of the Pillar I working group (advise on solutions and on co design of prototypes).

Target Audience: Atlantic Action Plan Pillar I Task Force Members + Advisory Group + Other Maritime Transport and fleet stakeholders
Estimated Total Nº of participants: Max 50 participants.

For more information about the preliminary program:

If you are interested in participating in this event, please register:

Please note that being an in-person only meeting, places are limited.  Final registry would be subject of approval by the Assistance Mechanism in the period of 48h after having registered.

Pr. da Estrela, 1, 36201 Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain
Type of event:
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