The new Atlantic Action Plan 2.0: opportunities and perspectives of cooperation in the Atlantic Area


Hosted by MEP Manuel Pizarro, SEArica Vice-Chair responsible for the Atlantic, and co-organised by the Atlantic Strategy Committee and the Atlantic Arc Commission of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe

Wednesday 26 May 2021, 10.00 – 12.00 CEST

Register HERE | Draft Agenda (EN)

At a time of social and economic uncertainty and preparation of the next generation of EU-funded programmes to foster economic recovery, the Atlantic Strategy Committee (ASC) have worked to
develop a revamped Atlantic Action Plan to give new impetus to the Atlantic maritime strategy. Based on four pillars (Ports as hub of Blue economy, skills and ocean literacy, marine renewable energies and resilient coasts), the Action Plan aims at reinforcing cooperation in this area and contributing to the European Green Deal, a socially inclusive model of sustainable development and job creation, while safeguarding marine and coastal environments and securing a healthy ocean. This event aims to highlight the lessons learnt from the past Atlantic Action Plan and other experiences of intergovernmental strategies and identify opportunities and challenges for an ambitious future for the Atlantic cooperation.

Participants are kindly requested to register HERE to guarantee the access to the online meeting. The day of the conference, participants are kindly requested to connect at 9:50 to avoid delays.

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