European Year of Skills


The European Year of Skills will be celebrated with a European Year of Skills Festival on 9 May 2023 - Europe Day. The festival will link skills-related activities taking place concurrently across Europe. The Skills Year will run until May 2024, with many actions and initiatives to be launched and promoted.

The European Year of Skills puts skills centre-stage. Helping people get the right skills for quality jobs and helping companies, in particular small and medium enterprises, address skills shortages in the EU is what this Year is all about.


  • Showcasing skills development opportunities and activities across Europe 
  • Fostering easier recognition of qualifications across borders
  • Bringing organisations and people together to share their experiences and insights
  • Setting out how EU initiatives and funding possibilities can help.

Events and awareness-raising campaigns will happen across the EU.

We hope that yours will be among them. Get inspired, get involved, get skilled. For more information regarding this event, please consult the following link.

European Commission
Sector of Activity:
Type of event:
External events