Energy Transition Partnership Skills Workshop

The workshop of the Energy Transition Partnership will aim to map current skills challenges, explore available upskilling and reskilling opportunities and tools for the transition, and identify gaps and possible solutions in the reskilling and upskilling towards the energy transition in fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

The workshop is taking place as a live event in Brussels, at the Commission premises, on 19 April 2024. While remote participation is also possible, it's strongly encouraged to attend in person, as the workshop has been conceived to be also an opportunity for networking and cooperation.

  • Title: 3rd ETP Workshop - Skills
  • Date and Time: 19 April 2024, 9am – 13am
  • Format: Hybrid (Brussels + Online)
  • Address: Rue de la Loi, 130, ROOM 130A (11th floor), 1000 Brussels 

To attend the workshop, please register here: 

Joining this ETP workshop portrays as an opportunity to contribute to the Roadmap and help accelerating the energy transition in the sector with feasible solutions, as well as achieve the ambitious goals set out in the European Green Deal. The preliminary agenda of the workshop on Skills can be HERE.

The input from this workshop is going to be crucial to shaping future developments on the energy transition in the sector. The outcome of the discussions held on 19 April will inform a summary paper that will be used as input for the design of the Roadmap for the Energy Transition in EU fisheries and aquaculture, which was announced in the Commission Communication and it to be delivered in 2024. 

Visit the Energy Transition Partnership website for all information related to the energy transition.



Hybrid (Brussels + Online) - Rue de la Loi, 130, ROOM 130A (11th floor) 1000 Brussels