FICOBA, Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia , Eusko Jaurlaritza - Gobierno Vasco, PYRENEES ATLANTIQUES LE DEPARTMENT , Région Aquitaine, azti tecnalia
Agents, businesses, institutions and organisations that act and see opportunities regarding the impact of climate change on the coast, Political and technical representatives for coastal regions and municipalities in the Basque Country,
Irun, Spain
The objectives of this event are as follow:
- Become acquainted with actions and solutions that entail adopting the measures needed to defend and protect the coast to tackle the consequences of climate change.
- Bring together public administration, scientists and international experts with sector companies, to debate necessary interventions.
- Learn from experiences and best practice and collaborate in coastal management and maintenance.
- Promote cross-border collaboration and the creation of synergies.
- Accept public opinion and disclose the activities of public administrations, in the light of concern about rough weather.
- Recognise new business openings in the sector.
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