The Importance of Marine data for the Development of the Blue Economy on Local and Regional Level

Committee of the Regions NAT Commission and CPMR
European, national, regional and local policy/decision makers, private companies, financial institutions, European and national associations, academics, students and researchers
Brussels, Belgium
Collection, quality and availability of marine data have been identified as major issue for further development of EU policies on maritime affaires and fisheries, including all aspects of Blue growth. The goal of the seminar is to discuss how policy in this field can potentially catch up with latest developments and which approach is the most suitable for local and regional authorities throughout Europe, identifying possible solutions. Particular accent during the discussion will be put on cartography and mapping for the purposes of integrated maritime policy and maritime spatial planning, and the importance of a methodological approach to the use of data for the development of the blue economy.
Perisse, Damien - Moderator
Lochet, Corine - SHOM
Moccia, Jacopo – Ocean Energy Europe
Montanari, Roberto – Region of Emilia Romagna
Shepherd, Iain – European Commission
Verreet , Gert – Flemish Government
Geblewicz, Olgierd  - President of Westpomerania Region

This workshop will be followed by a networking session. An info stand of EMODnet will present the latest developments in the portal.
Registration code is 13A128
For more information please contact:
Contact Person: Stoyanov Dimo