1st annual Atlantic Stakeholder Platform conference

Clusters, policy makers, research insitutions, industry, maritime stakeholders
Porto - Portugal

The European Commission is pleased to invite you to the first annual Atlantic Stakeholder Platform conference taking place on 20 January 2015 in Porto, at the Alfandega Conference centre.

This event will bring together a wide range of stakeholders, and is to host sixteen stakeholder-led workshops on topics reflecting the priorities agreed under the Atlantic Action Plan. The main objective of this event is to enable project partners to identify suitable opportunities for developing project ideas and securing funding. This should further lead to the development of joint projects across the Atlantic Ocean area to implement the Atlantic Action Plan.

More info:

The programme for the conference and registration system is now online:

The maximum capacity of the conference is 250 people, so we recommend not to wait too long with the registration. Places will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.