
To create a Water Start-Up & Living Lab Atlantic Area Accelerator in order to provide support to new companies and entrepreneurship in the water sector, and boost the European Public and Private Partnership, and concentrate innovation support in key water areas with high innovation potential identified by the RIS3 strategies.
Sectors of Activity:
Water projects
Funding other:
Priority Axis 1: Stimulating innovation and competitiveness (Thematic Objective 1) Specific Objective 1.2: Strengthening the transfer of innovation results to facilitate the emergence of new products, services and processes
Startups, enterpreuners, SMEs
Main activities:
1. Promotion of Public-Private-Partnership and stimulation of regional quadruple helix cooperation in order to develop policy instruments to boost business cooperation and networking in the Atlantic area, and boost business cooperation in the water area, and contributing the creation of better and more efficient transnational support networks 2. Creation of an Atlantic Platform for Knowledge and Technology Transfer in water management issues so as to invigorate the private sector and encourage the development of new business and new technological niches, as well as the transference and development of models or solutions enabling R&D support for SME and European demand-driven innovation 3. Improvement of the competitiveness of the water technology sector in the Atlantic area, avoiding being dependent on other foreign markets, creation of blue jobs and promotion of the internationalization of the SMEs. 4. Development of an Action Pilot at transnational level consisting in a Water Water StartUp & Living Lab Atlantic Area Accelerator, addressed at entrepreneurs and researchers of the water technologies sector (for instance, treatment of sewage sludge, treatment of microalgae, fish-farming, etc.), where the beneficiaries can implement the best practices, networking mechanism and generation of business consortia.
Main deliverables:
EOI: 31/05/2016
Partners needed:
o Regional and Local Administration (especially with competences in water management, SMEs, business and entrepreneur). o Research, Technological & Innovation Centres or Institute. o Universities and High School. o Chamber of Commerce. Other possible partners: o Transnational, regional and local development agencies and organisations. o Regional development agency. o Business networks, organisation, association and chambers of commerce operating in the sector. o Private and public investors. o Public/Private Companies or institutions specialized on water management, SMEs, business and entrepreneur
Geographical target area:
United Kingdom
Name of Organisation: CENTA
Country: Spain
Contact person: 
Juan Ramón Pidre